Friday, January 12, 2007

Kitty bed

I felt a little guilty about spending $20 on this bed, when our cat is comfortable sleeping pretty much anywhere in the house. but now that I see how often she uses it, and how much she loves it, I'm glad I got it. I'd like to try knitting something similar. Can you suggest a good pattern? Is felting the way to go?


At 11:35 PM, Blogger catmum said...

I love Wendyknits kitty pi bed pattern, free on her website, and there is a gallery of all the cozy finished felted beds. I've made 4, for cats and grandcats, they LOVE them!

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cat Bordhi has some patterns in her Second Treasury of Magical Knitting (or maybe it's the first book), for felted cat beds. They are large bowls. My cats fought over the first one I made.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger CatBookMom said...

Seconding catmum's recommendation, here. You'll want to be sure to fold over the top edge and knit it to the body before you felt it, to make the sides stand up well.


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