short row heels

Once I tried Priscilla Gibson-Roberts short-row heel, I never turned back. It's a great heel and I can't imagine ever using another one (though it is fun to experiment). One of the things I like best about it is that all the stitches stay on one needle, and there is no counting and re-distributing stitches like in a heel a flap and gusset.
One thing I'm not crazy about in the PGR heel, however, is those little holes that tend to come right at the corners near the top. So I have modified the heel a bit, for my own use. I do a teeny little heel flap, 4 rows. Then I complete the heel like you'd normally do it. Then I pick up 3 stitches on each side, right on the teeny heel flaps. I decrease those new 6 stitches on every other row, as you would with a flap/gusset heel. Does that make sense? I hardly ever get those little holes when I do it this way. I think that by picking up stitches perpendicular to the existing knitting gives them extra strength and stability, and doesn't really give holes a chance to form.
You can click on the photo above to make it bigger. I think the dark blue of the heel makes it easier to see that little jog of 4 rows. Sorry about the lint and pilling on the heel, I didn't notice that until after I'd taken the photo. These are old socks. I love how the self-striping sock yarn stands up to wear. I've been wearing these socks more than 3 years.
I'd highly recommend Priscilla Gibson-Roberts book, Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy to anyone who wants to learn how to do these heels. A great book for any knitter's library.
Love the sock! I do my own version of the sherman and it si very neat, easy to do and when i get to the 'gap', start knititng the whole round again, i do this: I pick up the stitch below the 1st stitch on the next needle and knit it with the last st of the first needle. thsi closes any gap.
I love the adaptation and can totally tell from the picture, I was not the least bit distracted bt your fuzz. Also love your frankensocks. I own a glass jar with odd bits of sock yarn too.
What a great looking heel! I will attempt it next time around.
A great blog, I love it. But where do I go to recommend books? My newest and favorite book is Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. A litte review:
<<"Gorgeous, brilliant, and superbly plotted, Water for Elephants swept me into the world of the circus during the Depression, and it did not let me go until the very end. I don't think it has let me go, even now. Sara Gruen has a voice to rival John Irving's, and I am hopelessly, unabashedly in love with this book. Read it." >> ME, TOO!
Jo in MN
Great heel! Well done! I always have eyelets when I make the short row heel... I am going to try your way on the sock I am working on right now, the Tropicana Sock.
Your photo is so neat! BTW, you have a cat don't you? LOL
Isabelle aka Tricotine
Also wanted to let you know that I love your blog and your sock knitting, therefore I subscribed to your blog with Feedblitz.
Isabelle aka Tricotine
I have only made the heel-flap heel but one day I'll venture out. Your socks are inspiring. Beautiful blog, too.
Thanks for sharing your technique! I've been too chicken to try short row heels. I'm going to have to get brave one of these days and give it a try.
How very cool! I was thinking about heels the other day, and was wondering how something like that would work - glad to see it does, and I may have to give it a try. Thanks!
the heel looks great! I want to try it so bad but am so intimidated by the short row. I guess I will just have to dive in.
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